A few larkspur showed up in one of my wildflower beds this year. They were volunteers left over from some I had planted several years ago. These make such perfect spring and Easter time flowers because of the little bunny face in the petals..
Can you see the little bunny face?
The purple are more difficult to find in the pictures. They are easy to spot when you hold the flower, but I had a hard time capturing their little faces.
So happy Pink Saturday and happy bunny larkspur day. It has been a beautiful spring in central Texas. Every breeze is heavy with the perfume of blooming shrubs. The butterflies and bees are having a holiday in the hedge along the driveway.
I have a butterfly book, but I have not taken time to identify the many different varieties.
The wild purple sand verbena in the meadow draw lots of these black beauties.
The verbena are just about bloomed out. Like the bluebonnets, they are busy making seeds for next year’s show. I love spring. It’s difficult to make myself take care of indoor chores while the world is so beautiful. I am reminded of that poem by Edna St, Vincent Millay, God’s World in which she says,” Lord, I fear thou hast made the world too beautiful this year.” She was talking about the fall, but it’s the phrase that comes to mind when I step outside with my coffee each morning. Isn’t that a lovely thought for this Pink Saturday? Now go say “Hello” to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound and then make the rounds of springtime pinks.