We are so happy this Pink Saturday…it’s raining bucketsful. The turkey roaster birdfeeder was filling up with water so Hubby moved it to the patio. He put it on a little side table unsure if the birds would come to an unfamiliar location …

First a male Cardinal came for sunflower seeds…

Then a cute little Titmouse perched on the edge and started munching on seeds. He grabs one then flies up into the tree to open it.

This female Cardinal and a red headed Sparrow landed below to pick up the seeds that had been scattered on the patio. They don’t seem to mind the rain and it certainly didn’t affect their appetites! Next month they’ll be building nests and laying eggs. Then we’ll be adding an extra scoop of birdseed and more sunflower seeds to help them feed their chirping little mouths.
For now we’re enjoying the rain that will get the earth ready for spring. The Lantana behind the garage have survived the winter and are still blooming beautifully. The native plants out in the open parts of the lawn have frozen back and will need to be trimmed back next month.

I’ll wait to trim these back until things are blooming in other places around the yard. That way the early butterflies will have food in the first couple of months of spring.

Native Lantana plants make juicy berries that birds enjoy and so they are common along fence lines where our feathered friends deposit them. After this rain, we can expect lots more to show up in fields and roadsides this summer. This bright purple variety is a hybrid that does not produce berries. If it were not next to a wall, it would not look like this in February.
So my Pink this week is in the form of red and purple in actual color, but very Pink in spirit. Now for a beautiful dose of Pink, head on over to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ to see who is sharing this Saturday. Hope your week is Pink and your spring comes soon.