This was today's project...I worked on these at school. (I substitute at an alternative high school...the kids love to see what I'm working on each time I come.) The one with velvet leaves has been on my summer cowboy hat and has been surprisingly sturdy. I'm looking for the right leaves for the other two. They may go to my Etsy store when they're finished. My favorite part is using the Anna Griffin stamps to add color. I swear with her stamps even the phone book would become a work of art!
Guess I've been driven to making paper flowers since so little is blooming outdoors. We have had so little rain in central Texas that our usual fabulous display of spring wildflowers has been really diminished. We are so spoiled by entire valleys of Bluebonnets and hillsides of pink evening primroses that we are all missing our usual Sunday afternoon rides into the countrysides.
What pretty flowers. You, LaVerne, have been tagged to play the Memoir game. Go to my blog to read the rules. See you there - Nancy
Your flowers are so pretty!
Tami, thanks...they were so much fun.
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